(Not Quite) 100 Things About Me
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Today I feel:

My New Blog - Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2006
Ive Been Discovered - Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005
Babysitting Saga, Part 2 - Monday, Jan. 10, 2005
Um...Sorry to Disturb You - Friday, Jan. 07, 2005
Do Yinze Want Some Icning? - Friday, Jan. 07, 2005

Party Girl Kimi
Mommy Kimi

March of Dimes
Kitty Girls Designs
Television without Pity
Forplay Catalog (A mommy still has to have some fun.)


Backstreet Law


Homestar Runner

Blog Explosion
Who Links Here

I Say Tomato, You Say ToMAHto

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 - 2:41 p.m.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they use a word, and you have NO IDEA what the word means? I�m not talking about a word that only a specific type of people would know...like anterior crusciate ligament or GUI Interface (hehehe, I said GUI), but a word that I SHOULD know, but I have no clue what the person is talking about.

Here�s what happened. I�m showing photos of my daughter to one of my co-workers and in one of the pictures, she looks particularly pissed off. Now, trying to be professional, I don�t want to say, �Hey doesn�t Little T look pissed off?� So I say, �Doesn�t she looked annoyed?� Well, my co-worker says, �Oh no, she just looks petulant.�


Now Ms. Smartypants, who obviously must have gone through a better public school system than I, wasn�t trying to be superior by showing off her vast vocabulary. I think she thought that�s a word that everyone uses in daily conversation.

Well, to avoid looking dumb, I just smile and nod my head and make a mental note...look up petulant. So for those of you wondering what it means, here ya go:

Petulant: (adj.) huffy, snappish, irritable, grouchy, bad-tempered, ill-tempered.

So there you are...today�s English lesson. Use it 3 times in a sentence, and it�s yours!


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